Improving maestro* Performance Using Various SQL Optimizations


This document aims atproviding solutions to improve the performance of maestro* (versions 3.05 SQL and 6) using SQL queries. Indeed, the use of various SQL optimizations in different strategic options of maestro* can make a real difference as far as performance is concerned.





Switching to SQL Grids

In all screens displaying a transaction grid (as in the screenshot below, taken from the Project Purchase option), you can switch the grids to SQL mode instead of the classic mode. It is possible to switch to SQL mode mainly in the summary grids of transaction screens and it isalso possibled in search grids.

  1. Right-click in the grid (transaction grid or search grid).
  2. Select the Use SQL Query option.


Activating the Quick Access Grids

Project Inquiry


maestro* > Projects > Analysis and Inquiry > Projects > Project Inquiry

  1. In the Project Inquiry window, click the Configuration icon.
  2. Display the Other tab of the Project Management Configuration window.
  3. Locate the Grid Selection (Transactions) section.
  4. Check the Quick Access Grid box.
  5. Close the configuration window to save your choices.


Supplier Inquiry


maestro* > Purchasing > Analysis and Inquiry > Suppliers > Supplier Inquiry

  1. In the Supplier Inquiry window, click the Configuration icon.
  2. Locate the Grid Selection section.
  3. Check the Quick Access Grid box.
  4. Click Ok to close the window and save your choices.


Customer Inquiry


maestro* > Invoicing > Analysis and Inquiry > Customers > Customer Inquiry

  1. In the Customer Inquiry window, click the Configuration icon.
  2. Locate the Grid Selection section.
  3. Check the Quick Access Grid box.
  4. Click Ok to close the window and save your choices.


Switching Read Mode to SQL


maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Reports > Miscellaneous Reports

  1. In the Miscellaneous Reports window, locate the Read data mode field.
  2. Select SQL read mode instead of Classic mode.


Other SQL Optimizations


All previous configurations only applied to the current user.

The following configuration applies to all maestro* users.

  1. In maestro*'s main window, click the Help icon, represented by a question mark.
  2. Select the About option.
  3. Click the Properties link, in the bottom left-hand corner of the window.
  4. Click the Advanced Configuration button.
  5. Activate the various options in the SQL Optimization section, as required.
  6. Click Ok to close the Advanced Configuration.
  7. Click the Save icon.


See Also


Last modification: September 19, 2024